The purpose of these maps are to provide a comprehensive, planning-level illustration of where stormwater may accumulate and how it flows across Kane County. Storm sewers and detention basins shown on these maps represent the best available data inventoried by the County to date and/or provided to Kane County by the municipalities. This data is considered planning level information and is not intended to serve as a regulatory map. Regulatory floodplain boundaries prepared by FEMA are shown on this map as a courtesy.
Areas of POTENTIAL flooding were determined through a simple surface "fill" analysis using the latest Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Kane County (created from 2017 Lidar data; 0.2ft vertical accuracy). The analysis illustrates the maximum potential flooding depth of all depressions in the landscape. These areas of potential inundation reflect the maximum possible level of flooding if the underlying drain tile, storm sewer or culvert pipe intended to drain these areas were not functional under extreme storm conditions; thus providing the viewer with an absolute "worst case scenario" illustration of possible flooding if the manmade infrastructure malfunctioned or became inoperable.
For specific questions about possible flooding within in a given municipality, contact the municipal public works or engineering department for that municipality to obtain more information.
The maps are updated as new information becomes available. Be sure to check back regularly for the latest updated maps.