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Kane County Planning Cooperative Image

The Kane County Planning Cooperative is an integrated effort - between Kane County's Health, Transportation and Development planning staff to implement the County's array of long range plans including the 2012-2016 Community Health Improvement Plan, the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan and the 2040 Plan. The Planning Cooperative was created as the central core of the 2040 Plan's implementation strategies and has the focus of planning for the 2040 Plan's overarching theme, Healthy People, Healthy Living and Healthy Communities.

This theme recognizes and emphasizes the connection between the most important resources in Kane County, its people with the opportunities and barriers for healthy living created by the built environment, and how together they shape the overall health of Kane County's communities. The innovative partnership between the three sectors of the Cooperative is now serving as a model for other governmental agencies, a tool to capture and distribute funding and technical assistance and an all-encompassing planning entity that has Kane County in the best possible position to effectively sustain and plan for the future quality of Kane County. Learn more about the Quality of Kane Initiative!



In addition to the planning being done on the county level, the Cooperative is a valuable resource for all of the County's thirty municipalities. One of the Cooperative's fundamental goals is to help municipalities "fill in the gaps" in local planning resources by providing technical assistance. The Cooperative is able to meet with municipalities individually to discuss issues and has held four county-wide meetings. Kane County Planning Cooperative Meeting dates. The Cooperative is able to keep stakeholders across the county involved and informed with its monthly newsletter that is emailed to over 1,200 people. A list of past newsletters can be viewed on the right.



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