| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC Committee of the Whole |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | County Board |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC Administration Committee |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC County Development Committee |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC Energy and Environmental Committee |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC Executive Committee |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC Finance and Budget Committee |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC Human Services Committee |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC Judicial/Public Safety Committee |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC Legislative Committee |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC Public Health Committee |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC Public Service Committee |
| | Standing | Yes | Yes | | KC Transportation Committee |
| | Forest Preserve | Yes | No | | |
| | Commissions and Boards | Yes | No | MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS: Dean
Hummell, Jeff Schielke and John Skillman
CITIZENS: Tom Armstrong, Bryan
Barus and Nancy Brackmann | |
| | Commissions and Boards | No | No | | |
| | Commissions and Boards | Yes | No | | |
| | Commissions and Boards | Yes | No | COMMISSION MEMBERS: Rick Gilmore (Vice-Chairman), Larry
Becker, LuAnn Bombard, Jim Cooke, Tim Vetang, Dan Larsen, and Jim Pomillo
| |
| | Commissions and Boards | Yes | No | COMMISSION MEMBERS: Lane Allen (Chair), Liz Eakins, Jennifer Fukala, Katie Fish, Marc Mylott (Vice Chair), Carol Rauschenberger, David Ray, David Segel, John Steffen, Sharon Stredde and Rick Vander Forest | |
| | Commissions and Boards | Yes | No | Kane County Government Center, 719 Batavia Ave., Bldg. A, 3rd Floor, Geneva, IL 60134 Phone: 630-232-5931 || Fax: 630-232-9188 || Email Contact: KaneLiquorCommission@co.kane.il.us The Chairman of the County Board is the local liquor control commissioner of the County. The chairman's authority and jurisdiction extends only to that area of Kane County which lies outside the corporate limits of the cities, villages, and incorporated towns of Kane County and, under no circumstances, extends to any area where the people of any local political subdivision have voted to prohibit the sale of alcoholic liquors in accordance with the terms and provisions of the state law governing the same. The County Liquor Control Commission issues liquor licenses for the above-mentioned areas of jurisdiction. A record of all the proceedings, transactions, communications and official acts of the Commissioner and Commission are kept and maintained in the office of the Liquor Control Commission.
DOCUMENTS: Applications are now in electronic form and may be completed on your computer. Applications, fees, and supporting documentation must be submitted by mail or dropped off at the Liquor Commission office. All signatures must be original.
Make an Electronic Payment Kane County Liquor Code Annual Liquor License Application 24-hour Class F License Application Current Issued and Pending Licenses Amendment to Liquor License Application
To find a BASSET trainer in your area, please access the
Illinois Liquor Control Commission website.
| KC AD HOC Liquor Commission |
| | Commissions and Boards | Yes | No | | |
| | Commissions and Boards | Yes | No | Glenn Morgenroth, Chairperson Phone: 847-429-9500
The Kane County Regional Planning Commission was established in September 1962 by a resolution of the County Board. It consists of nine citizen members and three ex-officio members.
These commissioners are appointed by the County Board Chairman and serve three-year terms. Commission business is conducted at regular monthly meetings, usually held in the evening of the first Wednesday of each month.
The Commission is advisory to the County Board and is responsible for the comprehensive plan for Kane County. It is a fact-finding body, making such investigations and gathering such statistics necessary for said plan and the overall wise land use planning and development of Kane County. The Commission reports to the County Board on the status of the comprehensive plan and on the effectiveness of County ordinances and regulations as they relate to the comprehensive plan.
| |
| | Commissions and Boards | Yes | No |
Members: Tracy Aris, Chairman, St. Charles; Mary Lake, Hampshire; Burt Natkins, Rutland; Michael Stoffa, Batavia; William Wilson, Blackberry, David Schultz, Dundee; Martell Armstrong, Elgin
| |
| | Adhoc | No | No | | |
| | Adhoc | No | No | | |
| | Adhoc | Yes | No | | |
| | Adhoc | No | No | | |
| | Adhoc | No | No | | |
| | Adhoc | No | No | | |
| | Adhoc | No | No | | |